
  • Making Comfort And Joy: Featured Guest!



    Have you been following the "Making Comfort and Joy" series from Wool And Honey?


    Making Comfort & Joy is a multi-part series created by Melissa and Liz (owners) of the popular yarn shop, Wool And Honey. This wonderful series brings a spotlight to makers in our fiber community. It's an event that is hosted on their Instagram LIVE. It's a chance to sit down, and casually chat about what makes us tick and how we keep going creatively in our daily lives. 



    I'm beyond thrilled to announce that tonight, at 7PM EST, I'll  be the featured guest!


    I'll be chatting with the girls and taking questions as well. I'll also be showcasing a new design that is currently a WIP on my needles. AND…there might be a few more surprises from me and the Wool And Honey girls too!


    You can view this event by going to the Wool And Honey Instagram LIVE feed tonight (01.14.21), at 7PM EST.


    All are welcome.

    Hope to see you there!


    P.S. You can read more about the Making Comfort And Joy series HERE.



    Thank you for your support and happy knitting!

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